Roswell Farnham to W. H. Hill

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Camp of 12th. Vermont Regt.Union Mills, Va.May 31st. 1863Sir:

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As Field Officer of the Day for the forty eight hours ending this morning I submit the following report:

After guard mounting the morning of the May 29th I proceeded to the right wing of the picket line in company with the picket to assist them in relieving as it was the first time that either men or officers had been on the line. In the afternoon I visited the left wing of the line. I found the men generally attentive & doing their duty.

At night I visited the whole line, at night commencing at half past eight o'clk P. M. post by post returning at one o'clk. I found the men all on their posts and doing their duty. Nothing remarkable occurred on the line during the day.

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May 30th. I again visited the right wing of the picket in the forenoon in company with Capt. St. Arbe of Genl. Heintzleman's staff. With one or two exceptions the pickets were attentive to their duty, and the Capt. expressed himself well satisfied with the line.

In the afternoon I visited the left of the line. Capt. Sloson of Heintzleman's staff had been over the line in the forenoon. Nothing of interest occurred during the day.

At night I visited the line, beginning at the left, post by post, between the hours of nine & onetwo o'clk I found everything quiet until I came to the right section of the right wing. While on the line about twelve midnight I saw several lights thrown up, apparently on the right of our line. Not knowing what they were & fearing that there might be some trouble, I hastened along the line till I came to the reserves on the extreme right, where I learned from the Lieut in command, that they had been thrown up

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by the pickets from Centreville. by order of the Genl -What it was for I did not learn.

As I passed along the line every man was on the alert having either seen the lights or heard the report as they were sent up.

I hereby certify that during the forty eight hours that I acted as Field Officer of the Day I visited the entire picket line four times, and a part of it five times, within the following hours viz: May 29th. between the hours of nine A. M. and 5 P. M. and at night between the hours of 8 P. M. and one A. M. - May 30th. between the hours of ten A. M. and 7 P. M. and at night betwen the hours of 9 P. M. and two A. M.

Respectfully submittedRoswell Farnham
Lt. Col. 12th. Vt. V. M.
Field Officer of the Day
for May 29th. & 30th.

To Capt. Wm. H. Hill
A. A. G.
2d. Brigade Abercrombie Division

