Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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Head Quarters 12th Vermont V. M.Wolf Run Shoals Va.April 19th. 1863.My Dear Wife:

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You are probably disappointed tonight at not hearing from me by letter. Maj. Kingsley & Capt. Ormsbee have probably called before now & the Maj. may have told you why I did not write.

I rode out this morning a little ways with Mr. Dickinson & feeling rather tired when I came back, laid down, & before I thought of it got asleep & slept till dinner time & then the Maj. was all ready to go & it was too late to write.

Mr. Dickinson rode up to Union Mills & Centreville with Capt. Cole, intending to take the cars at the Mills this afternoon on his return, but got there too late & will stay at the Mills & take the cars tomorrow. He intends to start for home tomorrow night. I shall send this by the Chaplain who is going in tomorrow & will call & see you the first thing. I don't think you better hurry home.

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There is no prospect of our moving at present & if you wish you can come out to camp or go to the 13th. & so to Mt. Vernon. Now Genl. Stannard is coming here I shall be more at liberty - & it is getting to be pleasant weather & Burnie is better so that we can have some fine horseback rides. Still you may do as you think best on the whole. I feel a little blue tonight probably & so feel more like having you stay. My throat is no better yet, but I am doctoring it & expect it will be better in the morning.

The money I brought out was very acceptable. I did a good deal of business while in Washington.

As long as you remain there you will have a good many visitors, as there will be somebody to see you nearly every day from camp. Give my regards to Mrs. Nichols. Does she think of going straight home - or does she want to see Occoquan? I now have my tent quite to myself & have all the time to read & write that I want.

Give my love to Zeke if he has not gone.

I hope Genl. Stannard will make his

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head quarters here & I shall be relieved of the care of the Regt. If I am Lt. Col. I dont want to do the duties of Col.

William is getting well so fast, since his discharge, that he says he shall try to go home or to Washington on Tuesday. I hardly think he will be able so soon but it will not be long.

Monday Morning. I feel better this morning than I did last night & I hope I shall get along without any trouble.

Perhaps on the whole it will hardly be worth the while for you to come back to camp, still I should like to have you visit Mt. Vernon. If you can go down in the boat, the Dr. & I will try & meet you.

We expect Genl. Stannard out today & I hope he will make his head quarters here.

I expect Chaplain Brastow will carry this in but as it rains a little he may not go & I shall send it by Stearns.

Write often.

Yours affectionatelyRoswell Farnham

P. S. With this I send also a letter for Mr. Peach - directed to Mr. Butterworth. Cant you send it to him?

