Roswell Farnham to Mary [Farnham]

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Camp of 12th. Vt. V. M.Wolf Run Shoals VaApril 14th 1863My Dear Mary:

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You see we are still here, but we are preparing to move as fast as possible. Today we are sending in everything but shelter tents.

I wish you could have stayed here a little longer - you & Mrs. Nichols & Mrs. Vaughan, but on the whole it is for the best that you went when you did. I will try & see you when I can. I will either have you come out to us or will go to see you if possible. I do not know when we shall move but soon without doubt. I think kyou had better stay about Washington until it is settled that you cannot come to us again.

I send by Mr. PeachCapt. Ormsbee a picture that I had taken this morning I want you to take good care of it.

Write as often as you can. Write by Mr. Peach when he comes out.

Had not you better go to Mrs. Butterworths

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to board if you conclude to stay a week or more?

Perhaps you have made all your arrangements & I shall learn by the Adjt.

Mr. Peach will go in today & you had better call & see him. He is not very well.

Remember me to Mrs. Nichols if she is there. Keep up good courage & write often. Nelson sends love.

Yours affectionatelyRos

P. S. Enclosed I also send a letter from Henry. You can read for yourself. I would not write a word to offend any one.

I think Hen. has gone into the clothing business pretty steep. Tell him that if he wants any more money to write to you & I will send him some.


