Mary E. Farnham to Henry

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Wolf Shoals Creek, Va.Jan 27th.Tuesday EveBrother Henry

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I must write a word to you tonight although it is past nine o'clock. All the boys are having pies, apples, cake, cheese, apple sauce, chickens &c. and these goodies do these boys so much good. You cannot tell how they gladden their eyes, and all these things remind me of my brother Zeke and how he would like a box of the like. Now then I want you to get some of these articles and box them up and direct to Ezekiel's Captns care for your brother E. I know Grandma, Mary, Uncle Thomas and Mother will put in a slice a piece for him, and be sure and put in a loaf of brown bread. Now you

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just see to this when you go home. They all will do this for Zeke as he is the sole representative of the family in the 10th. Regt. Give my love to Grandma and Grandpa Johnson and Uncle Elliot & Mary and to all others who enquire for me. I came to Wolf Creek Shoals yesterday. It is near where the Bull Run Wolf Run empties into the Occoquan River. Just look on a good map and you can find the place for it is twelve miles farther south than where we were near Fairfax Ct. H. You cannot have the least idea of the travelling out here. The mud is just the color of brick pounded up, and the wheels go in nearly up to the hub in many places. We had to walk the horses most of the way. The driver would make nothing of going over stumps of trees a foot high. And trees ten feet high slim trees that would bend or break was no impediment to our progress. Now this is the plain

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truth. I cannot describe the going, for I never imagined anything like the Road we went over. I only held on as for dear life for fear I should drop out behind the Ambulance. I was a little tired as well as Mrs. Blunt Mrs. Ormsbee, Mrs. Stearns, the ladies who came with me. But I only exclaimed This is splendid! So much better than I expected! So we keeped up one anothers spirits till we arrived in camp and then I had to go to a Secesh house with Mrs. Stearns and stay all night. I felt rather homesick for the first time since I left home, for I did not like the looks of the people. I will write more anon about them. They were real secesh of the F. F. V's. I left them this morning and am now accommodated in Camp where I shall remain a while if the Rebs do not shell us out, for they are but a little distance off. Bushwhackers are all around.

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I shall not dare to ride so far from Camp, as I did at Fairfax. It was too bad to move from there. I felt as bad as any one I tell you - For we had a beautiful encampment there. And a much safer place I should think - For there are earth works of the Rebels just across the river, which we shall destroy as soon as it stops raining, which time I am afraid is far distant for our winter rain has just set in. And it is almost impossible to get provisions for the Army where it is. You in Vermont have no idea of the mud now. And they say this is only the beginning. It is raining hard now, and I am under cloth covering. I will not speak of my health, for you may know I have been well or I could not have gone through so much as I have. I only hope I shall be as well the rest of the time. All the boys are pretty well except Pettis who is sick with the Vereloid. But he has the best of care - a boy worth sixty thousand dollars who is cook in the Regt. volunteered to go and take care of Pettis. He is a noble fellow. I do not owe you a letter but I wanted you to send Zeke something to eat. Write soon

Your sisterMary E. Farnham

