N. S. Leffnis to Roswell Farnham

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12th. Vermont Regt.Camp Vermont, Near Alexandria Va.Dec. 7th. 1862 Sat. EveningMy Dear Wife:

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Your long expected letter came at last tonight, & it did my heart good to hear from you again. I began to be quite uneasy I assure you. You know how patient a fellow I am & how well I can bear disappointment, so I have kept very quiet & have not written half my impatient feelings.

I am glad you are getting along so well with your teeth & in other respects. After your gums get healed up you will not suffer from neuralgia. I hope you will look natural for I don't like to have you changed when I see you.

I wish I could be with you in Boston some time & I hope I can. You seem to think as much of pretty girls as I do, to judge by the interest with which you spoke of the picture of the Indian girl.

Who is the Lieut. you talk of coming out with. You must be careful to know the man, for I dont want you to be under the care of a man not a perfect gentleman in every respect. I am sorry to have you come with a stranger, but am willing to trust o your prudence.

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You had better start so as to arrive in Washington Friday night instead of Saturday, for if you came on Saturday you would have to remain in the City over Sunday or ride out to camp all the way in an ambulance, tho' upon the whole that might not be so bad if the weather should be pleasant. With such weather as we are having tonight it would be pretty cold ride. If you reach Washington Friday evening we will have a comfortable room at Willard's & in the morning take the boat for Alexandria and ride thence to camp, about 2-1/2 miles, in an ambulance. At any rate whenever you get here we will get out to camp some way & I think I can make you comfortable.

You must prepare for cold & warm or moderate weather both. You want something warm to wear about your chest in the house, for there may be some chinks in my house that let the wind in - Mrs. Blunt has a knit worsted shawl that she pins across her breast. If you have made a sack it will be just the thing. She has also a long knit hood - not a cloud - but a good warm one to tie around her face & neck such as you used to have - to wear to her meals, &c.

I don't know as you will need your rubber boots, still if you have them with you you had better bring them along.

Sunday noon. I will finish this letter now so as

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to carry it to the P. O. at Alexandria in hopes that you may get it Tuesday night and answer so that I can get your replay before you get here, tho' that is hardly possible.

It has been very cold thro' the night & the wind blows terribly. Our boys on picket last night suffered severely from the cold. They are not allowed fires on the outposts & have to remain there eight hours at a time without being relieved. Our men have had the hardest time the last two days that they have had since we have been here. Friday night it snowed & rained & then froze yesterday. The thermometer stood at +17° this morning. I have just been into some of the barracks & find the boys enjoying themselves, now they have got home, finely. Some of them had just rec'd thanksgiving dinners from home & I have not tasted anything that tasted any better than a dinner that I have just eaten.

I see upon reading over your letter that you speak of starting Wednesdday night. In that case you would get here Thursday night. I hope you will come then. The sooner the better, for I am getting tired waiting - When I did not expect you I felt quite resigned to be alone, but since you have talked of coming I don't want to wait. As to your fur you may do just as you choose. Perhaps you had better get it, tho' there may not be much occasion to wear it here. I expect we are to be paid soon, but don't know. If we are not I shall be rather short of money. Mrs. Blunt gets along very quietly

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& seems to enjoy herself tho' I think she will be glad to see some other women here. Mrs. Bronson is not here & I don't know as she will come. It don't make much difference. Mrs. Lewis is in Washington I suppose, tho' I don't know. I have learned that she is in Washington We have not yet moved, tho' I don't know what may happen as Gen'l Stoughton assumes command of the brigade today. We expect him here every moment. He threatens a new order of things what it will be I don't know. He knows that we don't want him here but he cannot find any place where they do want him. Genl. Casey, who commands the division means to keep the brigade here in his command, & the result may be that we shall go into Washington to do patrol duty, & that would suit you probably tho' I hardly wish for it.

Sunday Eve. It has been so cold & windy today that I have not been to Alexandria to mail this nor has any one that I know been to Washington. I should have gone at any rate had I supposed there would be time for you to reply before starting. I suppose the letter that you are writing today will tell me all about how you are coming &c. unless you have already written. Remember, unless you see me, to go to Willard's, & tell the Clerk that your husband is Lt. Col. of the 12th. Vt. for it will make considerable difference with the attention that you will receive. But I shall meet you at the depot if possible, if not, at the hotel - I need not ask you to write again for there will not be time after receiving this. Love to all.

Yours impatiently -Ros -

Genl. Stoughton has come -
After you get here I will have Zeke down here if possible.

P. S. I shall not write again, as you will not get a letter if I write.

