Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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Camp VermontDec. 3d. 1862My Dear Wife:

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I am a great deal disappointed tonight in not getting a letter from you. I did not get one last night & expected one tonight. There has been time for a letter to come from Charlestown here since I wrote you directing to C- I want to know if you are really coming next week. My house is in good comfortable condition & we shall have a good time while we stay here & the prospect is that we shall be here thro' the winter. At any rate I want you to come right along

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as soon as you can, & have matters all right.

How do your teeth get along? I hope they will do well. You must hae considerable courage to have them all pulled at once, but love & pride go a great ways with you.

Be sure & write me two or three letters how & when you are coming, so that if one should not be received I might get another. If I know when you are coming I will meet you at the depot & you will have no further trouble.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving day in Vermont & we shall observe the day what we can. Mr. Peach, our cook, went down to Alexandria today & bought a turkey so we shall have something of a dinner, & I understand that the Burlington & Rutland Companies

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are having some strife as to which shall have the field officers to dine with them tomorrow.

The Burlington Co. has 3800 lbs. of freight at the depot, all for thanksgiving.

Why did Mrs. Shaw go to Bradford last week, when Thanksgiving in Vt. is this week?

Write soon & let me know all about your coming.

Excuse this short letter as it is getting late & I have two others to write & I have not heard from you.

It is very pleasant this evening - Not cold - Mrs. Blunt enquires frequently for you & I think is a little lonesome.

Write soon & often. Be here next week if possible.

Your affectionate husbandRoswell Farnham

