N. S. Leffnis

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Camp Vermont,Near Hunting Creek, Va.Nov. 20th. 1862
Thursday.Dear Laura:

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Your letter dated the 12th. and 17th. inst. was duly rec'd. I had been expecting it for some time. I am glad to hear from that you are improving so fast, and hope soon to hear that you are quite well. You must be very careful about your eating. There is much more danger from over-eating than from taking cold. Your appetite at such a time needs watching as every one's does. Be careful in this respect.

Give my love to Aunt Mary & tell her that I have by no means forgotten her. If I have not mentioned her in any of my letters it is because they are all written in haste & I omit to say many things that I intend to say.

I should enjoy some of her pumpkin pies, now especially. We live very well here but after all a few luxuries from home would be very acceptable. We are very far from suffering for want of food, still our table is not a New England one. I came from Washington this noon. I went over Tuesday night on business, on about ten minutes notice. It was raining then & has rained ever since. I rode down to the

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boat on horseback, sent my horse back & took the steamer from Alexandria to Washington. I was just in time for the last boat. Washington is about six miles from A - In the city I went to Willard's Hotel. I had been to the National, but thought I would try Willard's It is much cleaner and better every way. The National is on Pennsylvania Avenue, about half way from the Capitol to the President's House. Willard's is on the Avenue but is near the Prest's house. When you get home by looking in that large Atlas at the map of Washington you will see the relative position of the streets &c. Mr. G G. Benedict was with me. He is editor of the Free Press. After tea we went up to the National to meet some officers we expected there.

Saw Henry Worht, Geo. Andross, Murphy & Damon. In the morning we went to the Treasury Department, & War Department. I saw the President's House for the first time, as long as I have been here. Saw also Mill's Equestrian Statue of Jackson in the White House grounds.

After getting thro' with our business, about 4 o'clk, we started for the boat but found that on account of the fog the five o'clk boat was not to cross the river, so we were in for another night in Washington. We got home safely today but it is now raining & the mud is getting to be rather deep.

I wrote to Mary Sunday to get ready

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to come out here with Mrs. Blunt next Monday if she could. Still I left the matter to her option. If she could nto well get ready I told her not to come, but if she could I should be ready for her by that time. I shall have a house built then & shall be comfortable unless this rain continues.

I have been interrupted so much while writing this that I shall have to close soon. I shall write to Mary by tomorrows mail & should have written yesterday had I been at home. If she should have started when the letter reaches there, you can just lay it aside.

I will write you more particularly next time.

Direct to 12th. Regt. Vermont Vol. Militia.
Washington D.C.

Remember me to Mr. Johnson & all who enquire.

Yours affectionatelyRos-

P.S. Ask John Stearns if he has seen Cy.

