Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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12th. Vt. Regt.Camp Casey, Capitol HillOct. 29th. 1862Washington D. C.My dear Wife:

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Your letter finished Monday morning is just rec'd. I am glad to get so long a letter from & I am sorry indeed that you have so many trials. I know how uncomfortable such things make one, and when you have so little strength I am sorry to have you so troubled. I shall be glad when Laura gets quite well & her nurse is gone. Just as soon as you can, I think you had better break up housekeeping. Not that I wish to have you, but it troubles me so much that it makes me feel sad every time I hear from you.

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You must not let things trouble you so. I am sorry for that old whip, but it better be that than somebody's limb that is broken.

My foot is a great deal better. I got a big shoe yesterday & slit it down in front & lace it up so that I now get along without crutches.

I rode horseback yesterday for the first time & today have been out at battalion drill. I am now reported as "on duty". I have had to be reported off duty for a week. We have had a fine day today & this evening it is very pleasant. The moon is bright & the air mild.

We have just rec'd orders to march tomorrow morning at eight o'clock. This is an order that is to be acted upon. We are now getting ready. Where we are going it will not do for me to say now, but not far at present. I feel sorry to break

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up camp, as we have a nice camping ground & every thing comfortable. We may not be so fortunate next time. All of the new Vermont troops moved in here together with us this morning, making five regts., 12th. 13, 14, 15, 16. And Col. Blunt is placed in command of the brigade. It is, at present, only temporary but he may be made brigadier general. He will command the brigade as we move in the morning, for we all move together.

The 14th & 15th have had a hard time. They have moved almost every night since they came here.

I have not seen Herrick since Sunday night altho' he came into camp this forenoon within half a mile of us.

I rec'd the first collar you sent me & it is just the thing. I was afraid you had sent two & one

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was lost, as the sealing wax had broken off & the paper was open. I have written to Geo. Prichard thanking him for the horse. it will probably appear in the paper this week.

I rec'd a letter from Col. Andross last night. He was well. Give my love to Mrs. Andross & to Pompey also.

I cannot take time to write more tonight. You must get along without allowing things to trouble you if you can. & dont work so as to get sick. Take care of yourself. I will write again soon, & I think I will write to Laura. If you should get very hard up for money you can get some of your Uncle Oliver. Tell Laura that she must let you have money to furnish the necessaries of the house with & I will give her credit

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for whatever she pays you. I have charged the money she has, to her, & shall charge her for her board & that of her nurse, & she had better pay some of it now. I can hardly see what she is thinking of. I want you to save the Morey money and not use it about the house until you know whether I get any pay from Govt. the first of the month. If I should not you will need all the money you have & cannot spare any for household purposes.

As soon as Laura gets well of course you will be at liberty - & can go where you choose. I think it will be better if you do not keep house,

As soon as we get settled, if we ever do I shall have you

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with me. We were looking at a house this morning, the Col. & I, & he said that would be a good place for our wives to board this winter. I think the Col. is considerable disappointed in the new move, but none of us can help it. If you read the papers you can probably see what it is for better we can -

But I must stop here. If I have any more time I will add another line.

Love to all.

Good bye till you hear from me again. My health is good & I enjoy myself first rate.

Think of me often

From your most affectionate husbandRoswell Farnham

