Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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Copy. Original in pencil. On board of Steamer AlabamaOff Fort Monroe, Troops PendingMay 13th, 1861. 11 o'clk A.M.MondayDear Wife:

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We have arrived at Fort Monroe in safety, and I am in pretty good health except I feel a little weak from sea-sickness yesterday.

We left New York about 5 o'clock Saturday P.M.- and at 7 o'clk Sunday P.M. were off cape Charles and could have reached the fort the same evening but the lights were all put out and the Capt. did not deem it safe to enter the Bay till morning. This morning we came in in good style. While coming in a smutty little steamer tug, with two guns, overhauled us and wanted to know what regiment we had on board. Some one replied "Vermont".

"Are you Green Mountain Boys?" "Yes." At which reply they gave three cheers for the Green Mountain Boys. *Yesterday one thousand Connecticut troops landed at the Fort, and when we first came up there was some doubt whether we could taken, but it is decided to take us; and four companies have already landed. I have charge of the guard again, altho' it is not my turn, as the Adjutant

*This is a mistake. There were no Connecticut Troops there.

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said he wanted somebody that knew something.

It is a beautiful country here and we are very fortunate in getting this position.

I am writing now on board the steamer out in the stream, with the companies forming and every thing going on, but there will be a chance to send this to New York when the boat returns, so I want to improve the opportunity. While I think of it I will give you the new direction for letters. Direct to

Lieut. Roswell Farnham
4th Company 1st Regiment
Vermont Vol. Militia
Fort Monroe, Va.
Care of Fairbanks & Co. 189 Broadway, New York City

I shall be first vote as soon as I set anchor. I feel better already.

Write often. I shall probably have a chance to get letters from New York and to send them, two or three times each week. As soon as we get settled I will write you more.

I saw Abby & Jenny Write in New York - and Mary Stabbins Davis. She is a secessionist & her husband is in the southern army. I told her she would not be very well received at Bradford. I hope you will treat her with becoming coolness. Tell Laura if Mary is a secessionist I want her to keep away from her.

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I shall be called for in a minute to direct the landing of the baggage.

Some of our boys are pretty sick from sea sickness.

Ben Underwood has the measles. The officers are all well.

There are fourteen vessels in sight, all with the U. S. Flag, except one that is a foreigner.

Your affectionate husbandRoswell Farnham

