Lyman Barton to Hiram Barton

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Headquarters 8th CVTuesday [May] 17th 1863 [1864] Dear Sister

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I now take this opertunity to answer your letter that I received some time ago but have not had time to answer it before my health is good We left Deep creek the 19th of Apr marched to Portsmouth 7 milds took the boat to New Port news marched about 5 milds that night encamped for the night the next day we marched to little Bethell 10 milds got to York town the next day 10 milds staid there till the 4 of May then took the boat for City Point & landed at a place a little above city point called Stoney point I think marched in the direction of Petersburg lay in

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camp a day in camp a day or two Started in the direction of Peters burg, the 7 of May skirmished most all day lay under heavy fire for 2 ½ hours of canon and musketry our loss 71 killed and wounded then we came back to camp lay in camp one day then started for Petersburg again skirmished all day got within 3 milds of Petersburg we lost 1 killed 2 wounded staid there the night tore up Railroad telegraph wire and came back to camp The next day, lay in camp one day then started in the direction of Fort Darling skirmished all day came to the rebs works the 14 lost 2 killed all still Sunday heavy fog in the morning Monday the Rebs attacked us at day light and give us a good licking and we are back in camp now and pretty well licked to I do not

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how many we lost yesterday H. H. Barton and Russ Wood was down here this morning they got back all right Charles Wright Merch and george Vernet were wounded Crosby Groff was killed I saw in the paper that James Barton was wounded and died May 10 C Wright was left on the field so we do not know how bad he was hurt We have got 3 days rations orders to be ready to march at 6 o clock tomorrow morning it is hard telling where we shall go when we went out we did not take any blankets and our coats are all sent off and it rained 3 days and nights so you can judge whether we had a good time or not lying on the ground and the rain poreing down wet through and through

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I can not think of any thing more this time so good by Write at your earliest conveniance

from your affectionate BrotherLyman A. Barton

M. M. Barton
Direct to
Co K 8 Cv
Washington DC
18 A.C.

