Lyman Barton to Hiram Barton

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May 1st 1863 Camp near the Nansemond Suffolk Va Dear Brother

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I now take this opertunity to answer your most welcom letter that I [received] Apr 19 and was very glad to hear from you The Rebs attacted our pickets Well I was on picket next to the post that they atacted there has been considerable fireing every since but not much done We took a notion the other night to try and do some thing So the morning of the 19 about 2 oclock we started and went aboard of a gun boat to cross the river and try and take a battery but did not get ready till nearley day light so they give it up and came back to camp and started about 2 in the afternoon went aboard of the boat Steping

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Stone 6 Co of our Regt 8 Co of the 89 Ny wer on board the other Co wer on picket they had canvass all round the boat so the rebs could not see us the captain of the boat said he wanted to make them think that he wanted to [run] by the battery then they would man their lower guns then we could land under a bluff that was clost to the fort his plan was good and it worked as he expected we had one man to raise the curtains 6 to throw the gang planks out for what we did had got to the be done in a hurry we got our orders on board our Co was to land first Charge the riflepits and hold them the others wer to go on to the fort the boat had no soner struck than the board was thrown out and we rushed for it and off we went

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into the water up to our arms but we wer soon out and up the hill and charged the pit and that was all we did charge in stead of being full of sharp shooters as we expected there was nothing we staid as we wer ordered and the others went on [to the] fort and took it 5 guns brass pieces 2000 rounds of shot and shell 121 prisoner 7 officers we rooled the guns into position and fired their own amunition at them I call that rough we staid over there all night it was pretty cold for we did not have our overcoats or blankets nor any thing to eat for 24 hours we had 2 killed 3 or 4 wounded the 89 had about the same I saw Robert More J Putnam C Wright Dick Woods Ance French L Dolph the other day they wer all well in the 118 NYSV I hardley think the rebs will try to take this

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place they are building fortifications all the time this regt has been on extra duty every day for 10 days I got a letter from Father and Almira the other day Henry has buried his girl Almira is going to school up to Westport boart to Nelsons Orvil More has gone back to Hammonds Co.

It rains pretty much all of the time now I can not think of any thing more this time so Good by Write soon

From your brother L.A. Barton

H H Barton
drest as before

