John Lester Barstow to Laura

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Head Quarters 8th Vt. Vols.near Franklin La.Feby. 21. 1864My Dear Laura

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It is a few day's since I wrote you at New Orleans, and I think I have never been in such a whire of exciting business as since I wrote you there

- Col. Thomas and his officers a men camp up here the next day after I wrote & I followed them soon after I have already written you about our Regiment re-enlisting - 361 men have re-enlisted although the papers have gone no farther than these Head Quarters - they have ben kept here & the men promised, that they should go no farther unless it was so fixed that they could go home on this furlough, soon, and that they could be mustered in, back to the time of their re-enlistment - viz, Jany. 5.

- they were also told that this time would not be out on their old enlistment until Feby. 18th 1865

- Well, the day I got up here, we received news from Washington that one time was out on the 1st of June 1864

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- the next day after Col Thomas got back, our Army (that past of it here) was re-organized into brigades and Divisions, in such a way as to leave Col. Thomas in command of the Regiment and not in command of a Brigade, as he was entitled to by his rank - which made him feel quite bad - he thought he had not been used night - and we knew he would be gratified to be ordered back to Vermont & do we have tried to have time go & he Cols Dutton have gone to New Orleans to get leave of Gen. Banks to have Col Thomas go home I do not beleive they will succeed - but shall know soon - this leaves me in command of the Regiment, which is a great responsibility just at this time, for I have got to draw guns &c for the new men - & Col. Thomas was here so short a time that he did not even assign the men to Companies - many have had the measles and are still sick - two died at New Orleans, and I am busy every moment. You must not say any thing about what I saw in regard to Col. Thomas not being treated well here - I suppose you will be anxious to know what I dont about going

