Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Bks N.C.Mch 23d 1864Dear Maria,

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I have just written some letters to Carrie and Fred so will enclose them to you with a few lines. for a day or two I have not been very much drove with business on account of the rain so have been answering letters long ago received I wrote to Father, Matt Nichols, Dr. Morgan, S.F. Brown Capt at St. Albans- yesterday. The weather is getting pleasant again and we have just had a very nice "dress parade" We have just got orders to prepare a garden for our Regt so we can have vegetables

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in the Fall- but I know if we should get a nice garden and every thing nice we would leave the place. It has always been our experience that when we get nicely fixed up, we were ordered away just after the finishing touch was made I would be very glad to join you in some of your sugar eats, this Spring I think I shall send to George for a Keg of the molasses- so we can have it in our mess, to eat on cakes. I hope you are getting on nicely as usual and continue in good health I am just as well as I could wish and feel much better than I used to before I left home. I eat many

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apples. to day I have eaten twenty five cents worth and that was only five. every thing cost in that proportion and it seems that high prices are not to stop where they are, or in other words money "Green backs" are still on the decline. I have not heard from you since I last wrote but hope to get a mail tomorrow Have you got any papers from me lately I send some every week, and sometimes oftener, do you take any papers these days. I guess you had better take the St. Albans or Burlington Daily- and send them to me when you have read them. in this way we will both get the Vt and other news I think I would prefer the

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St. Albans.

Did you pay Dr Morgan his bill when he was at Swanton if not you may pay it to Nell if she is there the whole amount I owe is $100.00 $26.25 on Horse and $10.00 Doctors bill, making total $36,35. I have not yet got another horse but expect to get one from the government soon.

I am Maria
Very Respectfully
your obedient
servant and
V. G. Barney
Lt. Col Comdg 9th Vt

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