Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newbern N.CMch 14th 1864My dear Maria

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I have not written you for a few days and the reason is I have been up here at Newbern as a witness in the case of Capt Conwell who was in Commd of the heavy Artilery at Newport Bks at the time or just before the Attack by the Rebs on that place I dont know what will be done in his case but I fear he will be dismissed the service. his case is a very misterious one and no one knows why he left Newport at the time he did, as yet. I came up here on the 11th and have been boarding here at the Gaston house ever since was examined Saturday and shall go back tomorrow as I have got leave to serve the Judge Advocate and Treasurer I will not be called again

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Nothing of importance has transpired since I last wrote a little excitement was caused here last night as the 3d N.Y Cavalry were attacked out to the front of this place but this morning nothing of the enemy are to be found so the excitement has entirely subsided. Yesterday Sunday I will give you an account of how I spent it Lt Col Strong of the 19th Wis- invited me down to his camp to spend the day and have a pleasure ride- his camp is two miles from here and on the So side of the Trent River. I of course accepted and he sent a buggy up after me in the morning and on arriving at his camp was furnished with a fine pacing horse and he and I rode over the country and passed the day in a very pleasant manner. We visited the old battle field and the Old Evans Plantation &c &c

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I took dinner with him and came back to this place in the afternoon, got supper and attended church in the evening which is the first time I have attended church for nearly a year A Methodist minister preached and his language and every thing about the house brought to my mind many pleasant recollections The church was almost precisely like the old Congo Church at S- only the pews were like the M E Church at S- Here many of the Officers have their wives and families with them, and yesterday when I saw so many of them riding out with together my thoughts turned to you and I thought how nice it would be to have you with me in case I was situated as they are here I remembered of your telling me of how you used to ride horseback while teaching at Clarenden and I though what a good appearance we could make riding through the

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streets of Newbern. I got two letters from you the day before I left Newport Bks. Am pleased to know you are getting along so finely and hope you may not be troubled more with sickness in the family I hope you will take care of your head and do every thing you can to get rid of the catarrh, for that probably is what keeps your head in so tender a state I have intended ere this to write to Carrie and Fred- but no time has yet presented itself when I would very well do so but you may tell them that I dont forget them and I have got two silver half dollars which they shall have the first chance I have to send them home perhaps they would go safe in a paper. I have not yet seen the box but expect it every day I got Dr. Morgans bill of expenses on horse also his file for attendance and when I get back will send you the exact accounts you can pay him. I am well and send my best love to you - the next best to Carrie and Fred with Kisses For you all

Your aff V.G. B-

