Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Morehead City N.C. Feb 5th 1864 Dear Maria

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I write you a few hurried lines to go on the Spaulding I presume ere this you have heard of fighting in this vicinity On the morning of Feby 2d the enemy attacked us at Newport Bak’s first the out posts then our main body at the Bks. Their force was four times ours and we were obliged to give way and fall back across Newport River burning the Bridges in our rear but not till after a sharp fight of I think about 3 hours. The enemy came to our rear which gave us no chance to use our Guns in the Fort- We lost about 50 men in killed wounded and missing in our Regt Our Ft. Captured & our wounded Our new recruits composed nearly

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all our force having but about 60 or 70, of the old men present- The recruits had guns put into their hands about 3 or 4 hours before the fight and hardly any of them knew how to right face but they fought finely considering the circumstances. Col Ripley was away at Ft Monroe so I was in command of the Post and great responsibility rested on me but I have been told by Col Jourdan Comdg this district that I done the very best that possibly could be so I feel that I have not been desgraced even if I was obliged to destroy every thing and retreat. We came here by way of Beaufort, marching all night, leaving Newport at dusk. The men lost nearly every thing and have been on duty night and day ever since, with but little to eat and no cover what ever. We have been expecting an attack here every

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hour since we arrived here so none of us have slept except by seconds since Feby 1st. I feel pretty well worn out but am in good spirits and able for any fatigue necessary. The 21st Conn. Regt have just arrived also Col Ripley so I will now be relieved from the command of this Post and my respon- sibility lessened. I can write no more at present but will give you another and more detailed account in a few days. We intend to make an advance to day but I think the Rebs are leaving. I see now large fires towards Newport which is probably the turpentine there on fire.

Your Aff Husband V. G. Barney

