Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Bks N.C- Jany 24th 1864 My Dear Maria

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I received a letter from you yesterday dated the 14th - & I was glad to know the children were getting along so well I of course questioned the Dr about Fred’s simptoms and he says he dont think there is any thing to prevent both getting along well I hope in your next to hear that he is doing as well as Carrie- The great thing to avoid is exposure to the cold air- To day is Sunday and when I tell you what I have been doing you will call me a naughty man- I have just come in from a horse back ride. I went out to Bouge Sound Block house, to make Capt Kelley & Lieuts Ballard & Kelley a call (Lt. Ballard by the way is the one Father saw on the cars) It is a very pleasant ride out there

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being about 3 miles Col Ripley’s Brother “Charley” who is here on a visit & Lt Bascom (Act Adj’t) from Milton went out with me- I rode the colt or Fanny as I call her. She is getting to be a very nice riding horse and I could sell her any day for $125- but shall not let her go till I got my other one from home. I want Sergt Meigs when he comes to bring the horse with him for I dont know of any other chance to get him her now- but perhaps he will not be well enough to come soon- We expect our new recruits here in a very few days probably this week then I will have lots to do- Tomorrow I have to go down to Morehead City- having been detailed on a military commission to investigate certain claims against the Govt by citizens for damages to lands &c &c &c I dont know how long it will take me but hope not more than one or two days.

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I am to be President of the Board and will have to get on my dignity and make myself noticable.

You may expect to see a dignified old gent when I go home- Every one thinks me about 40 years old- and a church member at that probably a deacon It seems the Boots are ready. I hope they are not heavy, nor long legged for I have a pair of that kind which cost me $12- and the ones I want now should be light- You may send them any way- and if you have any currant wine to spare send me some & a few pounds of sausages a couple of white linnens HKfs- one or two pairs of light socks- (not cotton) You need not send them till I write again come to think- perhaps I will think of something else by that time- I am glad Mary is again with you she must be quite a maiden I believe Charley Dorman thinks her pretty nice- give her a kiss for me Also Carries & Freds scabby faces

Affly Val

