Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Barracks N.C. Jany 20th 1863 Dear Maria

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Since I last wrote you I have recd from you four letters one day before yesterday and three yesterday the last dated Jany 11th and sad news it contained, to me. This is the first time my darling little ones have been any way sick since I left home and I was feeling in very low spirits till I had a talk with Dr. Carpenter and he quieted my feelings some by saying that this mild kind of Canker Rash commenced as you wrote they came down- I was always afraid of that disease but hope the next letter from you will put a stop to all my plans for their safety-

I hope you will not over-do but get a pleanty of help and have them both well taken care of – I would be glad could I take care o them for you during their sickness but here I am so far away I wrote to Dr. Morgan to go and see them if he heard of them being dangerously sick I want you to tell me just how they are- you know that some kinds of Canker Rash is very dangerous- I will not borrow any trouble but wait patiently till I

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hear from you again. I have been very busy for a day or two past. have been on a board of survey, to inspect a lot of damaged property and report and it has taken a great deal of writing and work- I have now got through and feel relieved. The drums are beating for dress Parade so I will stop and attend to that, will finish after supper-

Well I have just got through supper & I will tell you what I had – Fried Veal- Baked Potatoes, Nutcakes, Mince Pie & Custard Pie, pretty fare is it not- living costs very high here. My bill last month for was $26- take that & 19 per month for servant & rations cost pretty well- I have just sent $175 to Dr Morgan to have him buy me a horse with and he will send him to Fathers to be kept till I get him sent on- You can take him for a ride when you want to if he is steady enough- You must tell Lester to keep an eye to him and see he is well taken care of-

The weather here is still splendid and not a bit of snow have we seen yet. I think to day has been as warm as many June days in Vt Yesterday we had a real hard

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thunderstorm and the rain poured down for a while in torrents. I send you often Papers- do you get them all? I got a paper from Lester giving an account of Elishas speech at - I hope Mary is now with you for you need her now much-

We have recd the joyful news that over 400 recruits have enlisted for our Regt- and will be here in about a week. wont I have a good time drilling them? how I will make such fellows as C Green step around I presume that more came to our Regt on account of our not having been a fighting Regt, than to the old Brigade. this is not justice to those old veteran Regts but I hope when we got filled to give them a chance to show their cowardice or spunk and disappoint them somewhat about the easy times they anticipate- As I have two or three more letters to write I will close and answer your four last letters in my next If the children are very sick dont fail to write me every day about them for I will be very anxious to hear

Affly Yours V. G. Barney

