Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Bks N.C. Jany 6th 1864 My Dear Wife

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I recd a letter from you yesterday which was the first I had recd for about Ten days. it was dated Dec 28th & the last before that was dated Dec 17th so it seems there was eleven days you did not write or your letters did not reach me I have concluded that the latter is the real cause for I know you would not let so many days pass without writing- even if your forgetful Husband would be likely to. I was somewhat disappointed as you can imagine when after waiting so long to get only one letter from my loved one but dear Maria we are so situated now that neither of us can expect to hear from each other at all regularly for at this season of the year, heavy winds and rough seas will prevent free navigation and we may make up our minds to disappointments

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in the way of letters but as we cant tell when boats will leave we have better continue to write often as we have and let them arrive as they will two or three even at a time. I think your Christmas dinner was rather ahead of ours although we have turkey & chickens two or three times a week but we dont have cooks who can get them up like you have them at home I hope you enjoyed your N. Years dinner I would like to have been there but no use thinking of it. I gave Sartwell the enclosed letter he is looking real tough now- That western land could be worth something if we can judge any thing by the aim of the tax but I presume it would not sell for what it has already cost me for taxes & other expenses- but perhaps it may yet be of some value. You wished to know what my duties are. At present they are not very laboious as we have too few men for Battalion drill. We have dress parade every eve and company drill- I am in command of the regt and have

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much to see to and all papers to tend to Three of our Cos are stationed at different places about five miles out and I visit them occasionally. I intend to go out to "Gales Creek" to day when Lt. Jewett is in command of Co. "K" ( Capt Lewis being away on leave of absence) I can imaging what Lieut Father saw on the cars from our Regt think perhaps it must have been Lt. Bolton Co "C" from Middlebury he having been home sick for 3 or 4 mos or perhaps Lt. Ballard of Tinmouth home sick- I have many friends in the Regt and all seem to respect me but I am more intimate with the Field & Staff officers, Adjt J. O. Livingston Rooms with me and we hitch nicely. We have no troubles at all Dr. C- & Col R- & Q.M. Sawyer all stop together and we all injoy ourselves together. we get together often and have a social game of cards- and pass a very pleasant hour in this innocent amusement I will have to give you lessons when I get home Have Carrie write again & Fred too, My love to them but the greater share to yourself

Your aff Hus- V. G. Barney
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I will write soon about the Boots & other things

