Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport BksDec 21st 1863Dear Maria,

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To day is Monday and I can see you in imagination bending over, your wash tub hard at work & thinking how much easyer it will be when your cistern is filled and pump in working order Nothing new here. We have had no mail since I last wrote but expect a steamer in from N.York at Newbern every hour. Last night was our coldest and ice froze in my pail out doors 3/4 in. I am not in my new house as I expected a week since but I dont see any thing to hinder getting in now in 3 or 4 days. It is quite a stylish building 18 by 36 feet & my room is 18 by 12 I have got a man putting up a chimney this morning. I have got a new Darkey now my old one had a wife at Yorktown so could not stay The one I have now is Darkey all over

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and very full of his tricks, his name is “John Franklin” I showed him your Photo and he said " I reckon your missus is a right smart woman". so you see he is not a fool. Jewett was just in and his head did not keep very quiet, you know he keeps it on the wag. The train has whistled and I hope there may be mail but almost know there is none I will stop a moment. The train has passed and no mail. I will enclose a line for D. Heher to get him to make a pair of Boots. Have you recd the two hundred Dollars yet. I hope you will excuse this little nasty letter but it is the best I can do today. I hope to get Cads & Peds Photos in your next. Kiss them for me. With much love I remain your devoted affectionate Husband

V.G. Barney

There will be some other things I will want sent with the Boots I will let you know in my next

