Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Barracks N.C Nov 22nd 1863 Dear Maria,

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I am not sure whether I have written you since last Sunday or not but think I have If I have not it is all the same for nothing worth writing about has transpired since that time, and if you dont get letters from me very regularly you must remember it is owing to my forgetfulness or being troubled by business at about the time I should write. I got two letters from you yesterday dated Nov 11th & 16th also one from Coz Matt. it is not often we get letters here and when we do get them it affords us just so much the more pleasure. I am glad Lester got home all right did he give you any money? when he left I gave him $20 and supposed what he had left when he got home he would give you Day before yesterday I took a ride out on the Beaufort road and find it one of the pleasantest roads in the vicinity and then abt 6 miles from here I saw the 1st painted house I have seen since coming here. The man who lives there wants to buy my horse & I would not wonder if I sold him I think I can get $250 or him If so I should let him go for I think I can better myself for the same money- Well little Bosay has got a calf- I hope she will not be troubled from her bag- I am going to give you an order and as I dont give you one very often I shall require strict obedience and that is that you quit going down to Fathers to

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milk the cow. you must get someone else to do it or have Father get some one and see they are paid- if no one can be got let Father or some one else have her for her milk and you buy what milk you want to use- do anything with her but fix it some way so as not to milk yourself for I dont want to have you toting milk all winter. You speak of getting the childrens Photo taken. I hope you will for I am very anxious to see them. I think of it every time I see other officers showing the pictures of their children and of those who dont begin mine. I think you had better go out on the cars if you can get back the same day it will be less tiresome & have Mary or sister Martha go with you. I am glad Sergt Meigs got home I told the surgeon at the Hospital to send him for one sure he said he would. I dont think his cough serious for he told me he was not afraid of it and had it often. The box of clothing has not yet arrived and I begin to think I shall never see it. I am at present in comd of the post, Col Ripley being away for a day or two. A rebel soldier just came in and brings some information from Rebeldom He is lame and has just been discharged the service I shall send him to Beaufort tomorrow- Apples are very scarce here and I wish I could get hold of a few of those nice ones from Uncle Davids. Your good friends dont forget you do they? You must remember this is larger long paper and two sides is a long letter I hope you get my letters regularly but fear not. Love to Mary & the children but Most to your own dear self

Notice how Newbern is spelled

Affectionately yours Val. G. Barney

