Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Barracks N.C. Nov, 15th 1863 My Dear Maria,

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Again it is Sunday eve and a few lines I must write not because I really feel like writing but I know you will expect to hear form me and I dont want to disappoint you. Since writing my last nothing of in- terest has passed so my letter will be dry and I presume short- This P.M. I have been riding and visited Capt Kelley at "Bogue Sound" I find his Co. is improving quite fast but many are yet subject to shakes as are most every one in in this district I am really astonished at myself being so healthy while others are down- I am quite fleshy now and weigh 160 lbs which is heavy for me- Lt. Jewett says you are (to use his words) "looking bully" I am glad to hear you are so well and I hope you will get rid

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of that difficulty with your head. Are you doing anything for it at all? Do you hear anything from Elisha now days? I have heard nothing from him this long time and dont know where he is but presume he is with Mead in pursuit of Lee, and I hope bound for Richmond. We have had no mail for nearly a week past but expect one daily and I hope to get a good lot of long letters when it arrives I understand Sergt Meigs is at home if so you will no doubt see him and I hope he will get smart so as to soon return. When you write tell me how recruiting is going on in S-. We expect to get our Regt filled before the 1st of March any way and then there will some fun, when we get them. I now have Wm Cooney as my orderly and a nice boy he is too- The box of clothing has not yet arrived- Have Carrie write also Fred and I will try and answer them. tell Carrie we will begin anew and I hope I will be more punctual than before Kiss them for me and accept with my best love one for yourself


