Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Ft Yorktown Va August 21st 1863 Dear Maria,

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My hurry is not over yet but I must find time to write you a few lines. I am well and at present dont get much time to think of any thing aside from my duties I examine an officer each day and some are getting frightened and two have tendered their resignations which I most heartily approve of - I send you a picture of my Qrs, which was sketched by a boy in Co C who is but 16 years old and lately from France. So you can see how it looks here where I now am The picture is very accurate. The boy under the shade is my nigro boy who takes care of my horse. he is a fine fellow and says he will go home with me when I go I pay him $10 per month I want you to preserve it as I shall take pleasure in looking at it when I get home. I also send you a photo of Dr. Carpenter our Hd Surgeon and one of the finest Is’nt this photo a beauty. he is single too

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men and best Doctors in the world and a good friend of mine. part of our regiments is now drilling at heavy Artilery drill and I am going to learn it myself - The health of our Regt is not very good we have over 100 on the sick list. I see you are having grand times going out on your fishing excursions, but I presume in our mess we have fish as often and of as good or better quality than you. We have Sheep Head, Sharks flounders &c, Roast Chickens, Geese Baked Crabs, Oyster soup &c &c To day we had succotash & baked sheep head & toped off with Musk Mellon and Berry pie I wish you could partake of some of our delicious dishes. I hope to hear from you tomorrow. Give my love to all and get the Childrens photo taken if possible for I am almost crazy to see them

Affly your Husband V.G. Barney

