Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Hd Qrs 9th Vt. Vols Ft. Yorktown Va. Aug 18th 63 Dear Maria,

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I have been waiting for an opportunity to write you for a day or two but have been so extremely busy I have not seen time and now I will have to do it in a hurried manner. I am now examining officers with the view of sending the poorest for final examination I also have to comand the Regt. and try cases as Regt Court Martial and all to gether I have my hands full I assure you I find there is much responsibility resting on me at present but I hope to be able to do justice to all. I was complimented yesterday for the fine appearance of our camp by the Officer of the day I have got to go down to see the Genl in a few minutes on business I will write again soon and will to more length Love to all

Affly Yours V.G. Barney

