Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Fort Yorktown Va Aug 4th 1863 Dear Maria,

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Again I will try and write you a few lines but the weather is so very warm that it is very uncom- fortable for a person to do nothing and more so to even move his fingers in writing. The last three days have been the warmest we have seen this summer and the cool evenings are very acceptable Yesterday Gen Naglee who is in command of the 7th Army Corps came up here and reviewed the troops I had the honor of doing the escort duty with our regiment. The Regt however is very small at present on account of sickness. we had out for review only about 150 men but we report about 300 for duty. The 19th Wisconsin regt have nearly 400 men on the sick list and had out for review only about 70 men. The medical Director came up here from Ft. Monroe yesterday and examined the different camps to find out if possible the cause of the sickness

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he complimented our regiment very highly for their cleanliness and neatness of our camp, but I understand he reported quite un- favorably as to the other regiments and especially the 19th Wis. Our reg is the pet regt of the brigade and all details when a they want a good responsible man are from our regiment we now have 12 or 15 officers detailed on court martial, to go to Vt. for Provost Marshal, for Engineer, for Post Surgeon, for brigade Quartermaster, for Assistant Inspector Gen. &c &c so our number of officers is small as well as men. The other regiments are jealous of us, and find much fault with Gen. Wistar for showing so much partiality towards us. Last night the Gen. intended to send me out with 200 men on an expedition somewhere but on account of Gen Naglees arrival and the review I did not go but I would not wonder if I was called upon at any moment to be ready to start but I dont know when it will be but probably to look after Guerillas

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You want to know when to expect me home I cant tell you about that but at present it would be impossible for me to get away I would be much pleased to be permitted to go home to see all my dear friends and relations and more especially my own dear little family and Dear Maria it will be a joyful day to me when I hear that place is proclaimed and we all permitted to join our happy firesides to be no more called away on such unpleasant business, and by the signs I judge that day is not far distant. How are all our folks getting along? How is Grandpa? is he as smart as when I was at home I have to tell some of his ancedotes quite often and sing some of his songs and wish I could hear him tell a few more anecdotes as my supply is about exhausted- I expected a letter from you to day but it did not come so I shall have to wait another day which will be six since I have heard from you This is a long time but I am sure it is not your fault and as likely as any way I will get two at one time. Harry Meigs got a box from home a day or two ago and in it was a package of tea and a barrel of butter for me, from you I suppose as the

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writing looked like yours I gave the Butter to Sartwell as I am boarding by the week at the small sum of $4.00 last month we ran the mess ourselves and it cost us about $5- per week. You think we must live pretty high. well we do I never lived so extravagently before. we have chickens, fresh fish, oysters, oyster pie, Berry pie, puddings, custard Watermellon &c &c but perhaps the first thing we know we will be living on hard bread and salt horse, but while we can we intend to live well I wish you could just step in and take a meal with us. You would think soldiers had hard times I presume, but I guess we can stand it a while and not get the gout Give my love to Mary and say to her a line from her would recieve a hearty welcome Kiss the babies and have Carrie write I want to see how much she has improved and dont forget photos for I want them bad

Your Affectionate
Husband V.G. Barney
Lt. Col 9th Vt Vols

