Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Chesapeake HospitalNear Fort Monroe Va.June 23rd 1863Dear Maria,

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I am still here but feeling much better and as my appetite begins to increase I presume I will be strong in a few days and able to join our regt. I got a letter from Lt. Jewett to day and one enclosed from you which was written the 17th the Reg. is still at Yorktown but they intend to advance in a few days. It seems that Martha is still with Elsiha but probably ere this she has left for home. it seems he (E) is troubled as I have been well it is a very disagreeable complaint and sometimes is

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very hard to cure in this climate I think I am entirely rid of it and shall be very carefull in future as to my diet. I am now taking port wine for my apetite and you know it is not a very unpleasant medicine for me but I have to drink it as the Doctor prescribes it. all the trouble there is he dont prescribe it enough. I forgot in my last letter to state to you that I had sent my trunk. it contains nothing of any account but I thought it worth sending home for I could not have kept it here. The Blanket and Dress coat belong to Sartwell The old things I sent I thought you might work up for something I might have sent more but I did not think of it till a few minutes before I sent it.

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I also sent a box of clothing to Father such as the boys did not choose to carry around with them during warm weather so sent it to him for safe keeping I have bought me a satchel and intend to make it do me for in fact I am obliged to. I am now sitting at my window and from it I have a splendid view of the “Hampton roads” and of the Fort and all the shipping about it but every thing seems dull and the boats all laying at anchor. There is a continual breeze here and the air seems so much different from what it did at Suffolk. I am glad we are out of that hole and hope to never go there again. Since I came here quite a number of officers have come (all sick) and two occupy the room

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with me they are both 1st Lieuts from a Michigan Regt. and fine fellows They tell me that the mail goes out in 15 minutes so I will have to enclose my key and close the letter so good bye.

Your Aff Husband V. G. Barney
Capt Co A. 9th Vt

