Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp HamiltonNear Ft. MonroeApril 10th 1863Dear Maria

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We are finally settled down and perhaps for some time but it is im- possible to tell yet we came over here about one mile from the Fort night before last and have drawn tents and the 5 Cos of our reg. that have arrived are now encamped here and nearly on the same ground we were on nearly two years ago in the 1st Vt where we stayed but two days. The rest of the regiment are now up the river and will be here to join us probably to morrow

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all except one company (E) which was left at Chicago to guard the Hospital and bring on the rest as soon as they recover and there is no knowing when we will all be together again. We are very pleasantly situated here but the weather is pretty cold and coming out of Barracks and be obliged to sleep on the ground without straw or hay comes rather tough at first but we must get used to it Lieut Jewett is somewhat unwell and has gone over to a Hotel to put up but I think he will be all right in a few days. Lt S. is here and is officer of the guard to day. We have drawn the small wedge tent this time and I like them better than the Sibley tent

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as they are so much lighter and better in every way for summer I got but one officers tent for us all and although we will be rather crowded it will be better than to be bothered with two when we come to moove. We cant get every thing to live on here as we could in Chicago but as oysters are pleanty and but 25ct pr qt we can live on them on a pinch Butter is 40 c and potatoes 1.50 and scarce at that so we cant live for nothing here. There are two other regiments camped near here one is Hawkins Zouaves and the other a N.Y Reg. The 3d N.Y is in the Fort but their time is nearly out and possibly our Reg will take their place but we know nothing certain as to where

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we are to go yet. I have not had a letter from you for abt two weeks and I begin to be rather anxious to hear from you and know how you are getting along and I presume when the Chaplain gets here he will have some for me he brought from Chicago. As soon as you get this write me a good long letter and direct to Fortress Monroe and I will no doubt get it. Kiss the dear little children for me and have Carrie write I shall continue to write to you and I presume you will get my letters whether I get yours or not. I hope to hear from Father soon. Squad drill is not coming off & I must tend to it so good bye.

Your affectionate Hus V.G. Barney

