Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp Douglas Ill Feb 5, 63Dear Maria

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Again it is Thursday and I will try and write you a few lines though I presume my letter will be dry and un- interesting as there is scarcely any thing transpiring now a days here worth telling of You wished to know about Thomas Cunliffe who used to corespond with Jane Lawrence I am not certain whether he deserted or enlisted in the Regular Army, if he did enlist I never got official notice of it and so reported him as a deserter. As to his character I know nothing bad except that he will get drunk occasionally and that I think is enough to know against him or any one. he has not been with us for nearly two months- Since I last wrote I have had five teeth filled and two of them were quite bad and it cost me $10- but I presume I will never regret it as one of the worst was a front tooth. Probably before this reaches you, you will have received the $80- draft which I sent last Saturday by mail. I think I was quite fortunate in recovering the money

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When you last wrote you were having quite a snow storm and I wonder that Alfred does not tend to those things more snugly for he promised me he would call on you twise a week and see if you needed any thing done but perhaps he is busy. and does not have time. I think you had better have him milk for you especially in bad weather and all the time if he can spend time but if he cant do it I think you had better let Hal do it. We are now having quite a snow storm and it has fallen about 4 or 5 inches deep and keeps steadily on but the wind begins to blow and the prospect of sleighing is unfavourable I see you have got into office in preparing for your donation I hope you will have a good time and I would like to be there to enjoy it with you, and see all the old familliar faces I have so often seen at such places. I got a letter from Elisha yesterday and he gave me an account of their late move and of the wet muddy time they had it seems as though our army is the most unfortunate in the world. he is getting some what discouraged it seems and I cant see why he should not be when I see how things are progressing.

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I wrote a letter to Father a day or two since a quite lengthy one it was too but you must not think I can always write you such long ones for I write oftener to you than to him but I am aware I ought to write more to my relatives than I have and I shall write Mother a letter soon I presume you will see the one I wrote Father so there is no use repeating what I said in that. What can be the matter in S- it seems that more Children are coming into the world than in peaceful times I guess the men who are left at home are looking forward to another war and are begining to make preparations for it. It appears that Fred is just as mischevious as ever the little scamp I could not help laugh when I read how he cut the cloths How does Carrie get along with her studies I hope she will be able to write me a letter soon. Kiss them both for me, I cant say when we will leave here but Col. Stannard writes from Washington that we will stay 5 or 6 weeks yet. I expect to get a letter from you to night but should I not I will sure tomorrow Love to all and hat especially

Affly your Hus. V. G. Barney
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P.S. Meigs is well and acts as Orderly part of the time. Sergt Bowditch has just got back from Vermont Sartwell is well and still continues with us and does our cooking Just now I heard some loud talk and on looking out the window saw a drunken soldier cutting up and hurrahing for Jeff Davis but his fun did not last long for the guard soon marched him off at the point of the bayonet Jewett & Sherman are well and the latter at present enjoying himself playing at a game of cards. Good night

I told Sergt Halbert what

