Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp Douglas Chicago Ill Jany 20th 1863Dear Maria

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I will try and write you a few lines though I hardly know how or when to commence as there is scarcely any thing of interest that has transpired since I last wrote I have been excused from the Court Martial to day in order to finish out my Quarterly Returns and as I am all through I will now occupy a little time in writing my thoughts to you I tell you it is quite a job to keep the accounts of a company all right and every mans clothing accounts to Book but I have got so that it does not puzzle me as much as it used to because I have found out the Crooks and Turns We have not yet received any orders and do not know what is to be done with us yet, but we all expect to be sent East before long. We have news from Fredricksburgh and the report is that a the heavy battle is now raging and that Gen Hooker is mortally wounded

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Can it be possible that we are to meet with another reverse this time I hope and pray not Probably Brother Elisha is in the thickest of the fight for I see that Franklins division has attacked their flank and I understand that the Vt Brigade is with him. I shall be anxious to hear from him and as soon as he writes let me know. I see by the Vt papers that he has been promoted to Lieut Col and I am glad for I think he is worthy of most any position. Our Lieut Col. has sent in his Resignation but I presume it will not be accepted as he is a good officer and in fact has no first rate reason for resigning The weather here is very mild for this time of the year and now the rain is slowly but steadily falling and the snow has disapeared and the mud is getting to be quite deep. I never saw such a winter as this before and I presume you never have in Vermont but we will most likely have a rough time before it closes. That Envelope has not yet arrived but I hope to get it soon. and get through with it before we are ordered away

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I spoke of sending home my trunk but I have concluded not to at present for it is probably about the strongest think of the kind I can get and will stand the Banging of camp. but should we be ordered away I think I will send home a lot of my things which I do not much need to take with me. It is reported that a lot of Rebel Prisoners are coming here but I doubt it as yet at any rate I hope we will not be hindered from going to the field soon We are all well and I am full as fleshy as I every have been before in my life and I think my stomach dificulty is getting better and perhaps I will be a tough man by the time I go home again I hope to hear from you to day. Give Carrie and Freddy a kiss each for me and although I cant on account of the distance give you one you can imagine what I would do could I see you I hope you will get along well at home and enjoy life as much as possible un- der the circumstances

Truly your Affectionate Husband V. G. Barney

