Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp Douglas Chicago Ill Jany 4th, 1863 Dear Maria

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It is Sunday and I cant spend an hour any more pleasantly than in writing you a few lines I attended Church this forenoon at the Baptist Church and heard an excellent sermon from Elder Knapp the Celebrated revivalist this is the first time I have attended Church since I got back and I am so much pleased with this man I think I will go down this eve and hear him again After Church I went out on to the lake shore and strolled around for an hour or more and in the time visited the grave of the Hon. Stephen Douglas On my way down to Church I stoped and saw Two large Buffalows that are kept here and I found them worth looking at also a large ox which weights 3400 lbs that is a little ahead of any thing I ever saw in Vermont. I went down to the Express office yesterday to see if that Envelope had arrived there but it had not and the Supt. says he must have it before any thing can be done about it so if you have not already got it and sent it to him you had better as soon as possible for without it I can recover nothing and probably not then without it shows that it has been opened but I have no doubt as to that as it must have been or the money would have all been there I send you orderlies likeness which you can paste on to the record

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When you write let me know how many Five dollar Bills were in the package or if there was any. I put in I think 6, 5.00 and the rest were 10s I hope to get a letter to night from you stating that the Envelope has been sent on- I have just got through supper and you can imagine that I feel pretty full as we had BuckwheatCcakes & Syrup You see we are living pretty well these days We have Steak or Sausages every day and in fact anything we wish as every kind of eatables are easy to be got. It is thought that our Regt will be exchanged the 10th of this month but we cant tell till the time comes Col Stannard is going to start for home to night also the major. We are about making our Lieut Col a present also the Major but have not fully decide who it shall be The Col was presented with some silver goblets by some of the Staff officers so we thought we would do something for Col Andross & Maj Stowell I am afraid that it will be hard work to get a furlough for Meigs and Sartwell but if I do I think I will send my trunk home by them and buy a good valise It will be so much better in the feald Kiss the children and give my love to all our folks

Yours AffectionatelyV.G.Barney

I enclose you two small likenesses

