Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp DouglasChicago IllDec 26, 1862Dear Maria

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You no doubt before this reaches you will have received my letter with regard to the Package I have considerable hope of recovering it but am not alone in this our Chaplin lost $300- and Sgt Major Gorham $35- and Dr Carpenter $ 32 all sent by the same company The Chaplins was all taken and all that was left in the envelope was a letter & some other papers. some one is feathering their nest nicely - and as so many have been lost, I think it will be easyer recovering it as one case will help the other and show conclusively that there is a rogue some where in the concern Our Col. says that it will be for the interest of the Co. to pay over immediately and he says if they dont he will publish them The Chaplin is down town now seeing what he can do about his. I was feeling pretty bad after getting your letter about was soon made to feel happy as the my Co Preserve the list of names for perhaps I will want to look at it in my old age

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had clubed together and bought me a very nice pair of shoulder straps also a nice Photograph Album both costing $12 and gave them to me as a Christmas Present with a list of the names of those who helped pay. Sergt Halbert was the getter up of it and he said that evry boy in the Company would have paid had they the money and some even borrowed so as to have a hand in it I knew nothing of it till just after getting back from the Ex. Office when the boys began to flock into my room and I could not imagine what was up till I was handed the above named articles. It was not happy on account of the worth of the present but to know that the boys of my Company love and respect me and are willing to manifest it by such deeds, and I consider this worth more than money to me and shall endeavour to gain not only their respect but the respect of all with whom I have to do. I will send the Album to you by Sartwell when he goes home as I presume he will go with Meigs the fore part of January. I will be

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obliged to buy me a new coat as my old one got pretty badly used a few days ago while I was at work fixing up my room A man was tarring the roof and there was a small hole just above where I stood and a stream of the hot tar came down and completely covered the back of my coat and probably it can never be got out so my fine straps will just come in play they were the best that could be found in the City and cost $7.00 I would have been pleased to make you a very nice present this year but the loosing of that $120.00 made me feel pretty poor and if I get it back you may expect some thing. I sent you a chart and record of my company a day or two since with some pictures on it and as soon as I can get the rest to fill up the other places I will cut them out the right size and send them to you and you can paste them on The Col. has promised me his also some others. I want it kept nice and if you can get a frame I want it framed I presume Blackman would do it nicely, if he can have him do it.

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I went up to Mrs. Snows yesterday afternoon and had a very pleasant visit also a pleanty of Turkey & oysters to eat Corpl Cleveland went up with me we stayed till 8 oc in the eve and the girls sand and played and evry thing went off nicely I gave my photograph to Sarah and would have got one of hers but she had no good ones but is gong to have some taken soon so I will get one and send it in the Album. Since writing the above I have recieved your letter Dated the 21st and hope what you said with regard to the other packages falling short will help me to recover mine I am glad to hear that the children are in such good humor and hope they will continue so Kiss them both for me. I am glad too that Hattie is contented and hope she will be contented to stay with you as long as I am away. The weather here is very warm and has been for some time and to day I have had no fire in my room. I saw Thomas Marvin Yesterday he was here visiting his uncle I did not see his wife but Jewett went down there and spent the day. I will enclose you the list of those who presented me the things Continue to write often and think of me as you always have.

V.G. Barney

