Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp Seigel Near WinchesterVa. Aug 9th 1862 Dear Wife,

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I recd a letter from you last night and for fear you will get the start of me in writing letters I will answer immediately though nothing has transpired of interest since I wrote you last. I am glad you are getting along so well but I would advise you to be careful in selecting the girl to live with you but I hope Hattie will conclude to go and live with you soon, when she come s to the conclusion I will send money for expense from D- to S- I have heard nothing from Geo or Silas in answer to my letters yet and have about come to the conclusion that they have forgotten me entirely, though hope not I see Joel Baker evrey day and I dont know as I told you he is 2nd Sergt in the Rut Co. “B” I am very well aquanted with the officer of that Co and find there first rate fellows. The 1ST Lieut & Orderly are Kelley boys from Clarendon Lieut has taught select school in Dauby a year or two past and is well aquainted with all our folks and is a great friend of Silase’s Orderly claims an aquantance with you he says they live very near and just across the field on the other road from Mr. Rosse’s I presume you will remember them well -

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Last night it was our turn to go up and sleep in the fort so we did so we however got along first rate and I had a good nights rest I got a bag of sand for my pillow and lay right down without any covering and slept like a coon. The fort is nearly complete and about all that is to be done is the mounting of the longer Parrott Guns We expect to move soon on to an adjoining hill and fortify it and as I saw teams drawing loads of bags there yesterday I expect we are to start pretty quick but I am perfectly resigned and it makes no difference to me when or where we get orders to move I merely keep things ready and packed so that I will not be behind at any time Our working party are now cutting down all trees within a mile of the Fort and yesterday they were obliged to lay flat two orchards and quite a lot of shade trees in front of nice buildings, the women they said would come out and cry about it but there is no use Orders must be executed and crying would not help it in the least so down they went. Last night one man in Co “D” died and another in the same Co is not expected to live Capt Beebe of Co “F” of Burlington is also in a very critical position and the Doctors have about given him up. The trouble

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with all of them is dysentery Capt Bebee is a fine fellow and as his company is the next to mine in the line we became very intimately aquainted and to loose him would be a source of great sorrow to me, he is now down at the City in a private house The Regt are generally pretty healthy and in my Company only 4 are unable for duty. Maj Stowell is now with us and Surgeon Carpenter also, they are both nice fellows to all appearance. You wished to know how I got along with my Company The fact is I have had but little to do with them for two weeks past as they are all at work under some one else or are on guard, of course my turn comes on guard and for labor so I have command of them at that time with many others. At any rate I think they will compare with any other Company in the Regt at any rate we get out more men for duty evry morn than any other Co. and now as the drum beats for labor I will have to go out and see that there are no shirks left behind. I wrote to Father about sending me some Bitters and a pair of boots and a little Cayenne Pepper would not come amiss. I hope to be able to send home some money soon but cant tell when we will be paid I think of you and the little ones often and would like to give you all a good hugging I will close this scrawl, So good bye

Your Val

