Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport NewsJuly 4thDear Maria

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I will try and write a few lines though there is but little news here but you will expect to hear from me and I will try and meet your expectations when I last wrote you I had had a rather poor spell and at present I am not entirely over the effects of it though I am about and feel pretty well, but I am quite weak and can eat but little without its hurting me So I have to be very carefull of my diet And I think with care I will be all right again in a few days We cant get every thing here that just suits our taste and agrees with us best but I cook a little rice or

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hasty pudding for myself two or three times a day. Today is the 4th and it seems more like Sunday to me than like the old 4th I have spent so many times in old Vt. amidst warm hearts and dear friends. The national salute was fired here to day at 12oc of 34 guns and this is all the Celebrating I have seen Except by a few who have been unlucky enough to find a little too much whiskey, but this Kind is not much admired by me. I presume you have heard of the Steamer Cataline’s being burned, it was to bad she was such a nice boat for the business she was in. She has been our mail boat ever since we left the fort and left here abt 7oc P.M. and was all on fire when she arrived at the fort. I have not heard how she took fire

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There has nothing happened here in the way of fighting, only that day before yesterday our rifled Gun was fired in the direction of the battery on the opposite Shore. They fired but a few times and Came very near them but did not put in a full Charge of powder They think that there will be no trouble in throwing shells amongst them if it becomes nessessary. Some are of the opinion that our troubles will be settled by Congress at this session and I for one hope that it may be so if it can be done honorably and so that there will never hereafter be any wrangling between the north and south but if it cant be done in this way they will have to take a severe drubbing no doubt and that they deserve it is certain I see that the government will accept no more troops till after the Session so

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it looks a little as though there is something in the wind, and if the South will only come to their sences it will be of great benefit to us and much greater to them and I would feel much better to go home at the End of war than to go leaving others to fight the great battle which will have to be fought soon if peace is not restored Our time is slowly coming to a close and probably in abt 3 weeks we will again be on our way to Vt again to meet the loved ones we hold so dear I can hardly wate for the time to pass away I am so anxious to see you and the dear little Children under our Care but the time will soon pass and we must be content and take it as it Comes I have not heard from you since I last wrote but am in hopes I shall get a letter tonight. I hope you will enjoy your visits and get all around ere my return for it will not be possible for me to be in Danby long Give my love to all the friends. I cant call them by name they being to numerous, and Kiss the Children and May God bless and Keep you till I return.


