Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport NewsJune 16, 61Dear Wife

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I recd a letter from you which is the Sixth and to receive these tokens so often from you is one thing that partially Keeps me content but if I were no more favoured with letters than some of our Boys I dont Know what would be my feelings. I wrote you a few days ago and give you something of an account of the Battle at Big Bethel which you probably have had the full particulars of long before this. it is Certain that only one of our regt is Killed and 3 or 4 wounded in all Some 30 were Killed and 100 wounded nothing of much interest has happened since that time till this morning when the St A. Co. with 2 or 3 other Cos went out into the Country to get some Cattle if they could find any. As they were looking about in separate squads, and Surrounding some a few Cattle, they were fired upon by some horsemen and in the St A. Co 3 men were wounded and one quite badly and his recovery is rather doubtful There was but 4 or 5 of the Enemy and they went off at full Speed and but one gun was fired upon them which they say loped one of them over on his horse I tell you we are in an Enemys Country and at any time we may be at their mercy but we are quite Confident that they will not attact us as they Seem to act Entirely on the defensive

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To day is Sunday and [all the] boys are lounging about the tents or laying in some Shady place and it seems more like a week day to me than the holy Sabbath and if I am permitted to again meet you in Vt I think I shall prize the priveledges of attending divine worship much more than heretofore There is a rumor in our Camp that the Third Vt Regt are coming on here in the Course of Two weeks and take our place, also our guns and accoutrements but this news is too good to be believed, but Still it may be so as the 3rd Regt is without guns and as we hear can procure none. The idea of going home is generally liked throughout our Company not on account of getting away from being Exposed to the bullet or bayonet of the Enemy, but because they are sick of Camp life and Exposure to a Southern Sun and I think to remain here for a great length of time would be folly as the Effects of the Climate are perceptible on quite a number of our regt. I think in all we have some over one hundred who are not fit to do duty. Our Co. is favoured in this respect as we have but 7 on the Sick list while some others have nearly 20. My health is quite good though I do not feel as I do in Vt and I think I am not a capable of Enduring more than half what I could before I left home and it is so with many others who I have talked with. The long looked for box arrived here last night after being on the way nearly a month but the contents was not in a Condition to be relished

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with the exception of a Cheese and one or two Cakes which were very rich and so Kept well. A box of Nut Cakes or “Cookies” was sent to me from home and had they been good would have been a great rarity. The Havelocks were all right and one was marked with my name on it I presume Em was the maker of it Evry boy had one on his Cap in five minuts after they were opened and I presume will wear them night and day, alot of Cheese and dried Apples and Maple Sugar also Came which was sent by Blake from New York so we are in a pretty good Condition for living at present. Carries letter was very good and I hope She will Continue to write Give my love to all and Kiss the little ones often for me, and if I dont get home in two or three weeks you may Expect us about the 22nd of July

Your aff husbandV. G. Barney
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P.S. Did you see the map of our Camp in the “World” it was very good but not Correct in all respects. You wanted to Know if there was any thing you could send me I think if I were Coming out on another time I should prepare myself rather diffirently but as our time is so near out I think I can get along and not Send for any thing. Supper is now ready and I Shall have to Close and fall in to the line and march up to the Cook tent and with the rest recieve my Coffee and Seabiscuit which I wish was Tea & Vt biscuit, but what we have is very good and and thankfully recieved. I did not intend to write so much when I commenced but I presume you will not object to the letter on that account

