Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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RutlandMay 8th 61Dear Wife

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I shall not have a chance to see you again very soon for we are to start for Fort Monroe tomorrow morning I think by the way of Whitehall but cant find out certain we shall probably stay in New York tomorrow night and from there to the fort by boat to Annapolis & Va on all the boys received the news with hearty cheers and are anxious to be on their way We are to be mustered in to the U.S service this after noon and receive our equipment in full I just saw Mr. Barrett and he says that Aunt Lydia is in town and will be down here this P.M. I was in hopes to see George or Silas here before I left but probably shall not

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I want you to write me as soon as you know where to direct and write all about the children how they are getting along Kiss them for me every day and don’t let them forget their Father. And in case I should not return in time to see to the fruit at home you need not worry but let it take care of itself rather than go there and be alone. you can say to Uncle David that I will settle with him for your board and you can stay there. All our men are well. The mail boy is waiting so good bye.

Love to AllV. G. Barney

