George F. Davis to Smiley Bancroft

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Smilie Bancroft Esq
East CalaisVt


State of VermontQuarter Master General’s OfficeCavendishMay 7 1862Dear Sir & Madam

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It becomes my duty to write you in regard to the death of your son Chas F. Bancroft Co H. 4th Regt Vols. He died on board the “Propeller Richard Will- ing” on passage from Fortress Monroe to New York April 30th at 4 o’clock P.M. He came from Ship point near Yorktown with other sick & wounded Vermont soldiers. The surgeon aboard the boat thought it not best to take him aboard but the surgeon that came down from Ship point said he could not possibly live there. That if we could get him as far as New York the change might benefit him. He failed very fast after he came aboard the boat. I regret very much that he could not have had a near and dear friend to comfort him in his last hours. He had

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every attention that he possibly could have aboard the boat. And probably better care then he would have had had he been left in camp.

It is hard to think of our friends in the Army. A soldier’s life is hard at best when they are well but when they are prostrated by disease they do not have the care of an affectionate Mother or Sister to comfort them. He died without a murmur or groan, appeared perfectly resigned to the will of him who doth all things well. I purchased a coffin and case in Philadelphia for which I paid fourteen dollars. I found in his possession and have the same subject to your order

one watch
one Daguerrotype
one water filter
one [Hakf]
one Pocket Knife
one “” comb
Descriptive list & letters. Please write me where to send the above articles

Yours very Respy Geo F. Davis
Qr MGen

To Mr & Mrs Smiley Bancroft
Woodbury Vt

