Charles F. Bancroft to Clarissa Bancroft

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Monday P.M. Jany 6th/62Dear Sister Clara

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As I have a little news to write & could not get to camp to get this into the mail this morning so I will write you a few lines. I commenced snowing last night about 9 O’clock & this morning the ground was white with 2 or 3 inches of snow. & it looked real good too it al- most seems as if I was at home but find I am not. Twas pret- ty cold last night & I did not sleep over 4 hours but did not get cold Mark Hall & I laid down together with our blankets over us & my cartridge box under my head & we slept nearby for under in a building which is used for a guard house. Today I feel smart & could go the same over to night easier than I could do a days work 6 weeks ago. I weigh to day 142 1//2 & the fore part of Dec 134 so you see I am gaining Last night some of the Cavalry pickets brought a secesh negro from the neighborhood of Vienna he said that at Fairfax Court house the rebels had nothing but a scattering force of Pickets said his Master was one George Blenkoe

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who was formerly in the mercantile line but was now a clerk in the Confederate Congress at Richmond. he had a lot of Secesh money about him which I saw. There was a $5.00 note on the bank of Augusta Ga. old money there was another on the Traders bank of Richmond Va. late issue dated Sept 1st & payable in 2 years from date. It is past 1 year ago to day that you came to Capt Lairds to board & go to school & either of us little thought that in one short year we should be so distantly separated & under such circumstances as we are but it is so & God only knows when we shall see each other again but let us hope for the best & that another year will bring us all to the family fireside again. If you want a job just knit me a pair of gloves & send with the vest I am glad that you are making me a vest & I know that it is a nice one. I wish you would just come out here & make some pockets in my coats mend my gloves &c but I am tired & it is evening now & I will finish this by saying that the Capt expects his wife out here this winter & you had better make here a visit soon. Ezra Hinkson starts for home tomorrow on a discharge.

From Your BrotherC F Bancroft

Write soon & give mea lot of reciepts for cookery various simple article I want to know how to make a sour gravy such as you but on Indian pudding

