Letter from HIRAM POWERS to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated February 1, 1867.

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Publication InformationFlorence Feb 1 1867--

My Dear Friend Marsh--

I have tried to comprise every thing essential in my letter to Mr Stoughton But if any thing left out, occurs to you I beg that you will add it in a Short note of your own--and I had rather you would find occasion to Say Something for--"the kings ." and I should like to be backed up by you -- I am afraid I have misquoted "The Kings name is a tower of Strength" I am that my present plan of a machine (power machine) for manufacturing the files will do. It is an awful tumbling down from my first plan, in the direction of convenience & simplicity--will cost comparitively little--easy of construction--rapid in execution--and as to utility--for , the exclusive use of it in America for 7 years--would make the fortune of any one capable and willing to bring it into full use -- I shall soon have one of the machines in working order --

H Powers--

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