Letter from HIRAM POWERS to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated March 1, 1865.

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Publication InformationFlorence March 1 1865

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My Dear Friend Marsh--

I rec'd your letter about the Property which Mr Hale wanted for his church--and which might--in part--serve for my purposes -- I did not expect that you could do any thing --and in another letter I said as much -- You have acted in a manner quite just and perfectly satisfactory and I thank you much --

I have just heard that my son has been writing to you about an affair of his own--and very foolishly -- He did not consult me about it or--perhaps you would have been spared receiving his communication --

He is a good boy in the main but gives me much trouble -- He has not yet earned his own living and yet talks about getting married -- I have set my face against the whole of it --

With most affectionate regard, I am yours ever,

Hiram Powers --

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I can understand why the government would like to get rid of an embarrassment like this--and on cheap terms -- While on my part, I should have to take the chances of being able to buy out, those occupants who stand in the way of a free and open front to the streets --

Of course I do not know what you may be able to do--but I do know that you will befriend me all you can--and so I leave the case in your hands --

Yours ever,

H. P --

If I had the whole place, I could make something out of it --

