Letter from HIRAM POWERS to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated November 9, 1864.

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Publication InformationFlorence Nov 9 1864--

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My Dear friend Marsh--

I received yours of 6 inst yesterday Mr Slayton is I believe a first-rate dentist -- He is so regarded here, and has given general satisfaction. My Daughter has had several teeth filled by him--and likes his manner of working very much -- He has a magnificent case of instruments, and he makes sets of artificial teeth -- He charges 20 francs a filling--and appears to have plenty to do --

I am glad that contribution to the Sanitary fair realized so much--and he is also very glad to hear of it -- For my part, I have sent two marble works--a bust above natural Size--of Washington to the Fair in Philadelphia--which I hear--realized $800. and a bust of my Fisher boy to the Sailors Fair Boston--not yet arrived out -- Both will make up the Sum of $1000--(or more --

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I Should like to send another $1000 worth of marbles to hang of GovSeymour--Fernando Wood and Valandigham -- You may write that home--to be put in all our papers -- It is not the time now to be squeamish about expressing our sentiments --

I read about these men with amazement. Not one word against the rebels in any thing they say--and not one word in favour of the Government -- Friends of Jefferson Davis & the Slave Rebellion -- and yet tolerated in Society! -- But "there is a good time coming" -- We shall triumph over the rebellion--and the proper men will be found in their proper places -- Glorious--Grant Sherman--Farragut--Sheridan--Butler--splendid old Butler--that very of the English--will live in our history and every soldier--though shorn of his leg--an arm--and hobbling about on crutches--surviving this

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terrible struggle--will have the Satisfaction --to know--that our Traitors at home--have been hanged --

I can find under all my indignation some show of respect--for Jeff Davis and his followers -- False to their trust at first--they did show their true colours at last, and manfully took the field in open rebellion -- But for those smooth faced hypocrites, who keep their persons free from harms way--and like doves--coo out their --and their --I have nothing but the direst contempt--and if all shall end as they hope it will--Do they expect to be held in honorable estimation by "Our Southern Bretheren"? -- Let them read the history of Benedict Arnold --

With sincere regard from us all I am ever affectionately yours,

H. Powers --

(In haste--)

References in this letter:

(Nicholas) Longworth Powers, Hiram and Elizabeth Powers' second child, was born in Cincinnati in 1835 and died in 1924 in Florence after a long career there as a photographer. Their fifth child,(William) Preston Powers, was born in Florence in 1843. He served as his father's personal secretary for a number of years and after Powers' death operated his own studio. He died in Florence in 1931.

Powers made a plaster bust of the "Fisher Boy," taken from his full-size sculpture of the same name made several years earlier, apparently in 1849. Over a dozen marble replicas were made from this version over the following twenty-five years, including one that Powers contributed in 1864 to the Sailors' Fair, Boston, for the benefit of the Union navy.

Horatio Seymour (1810-1886) was Democratic governor of New York from 1863 to 1865.

Fernando Wood (1812-1881), a leading member of the Peace Democrats, was mayor of New York City 1861-62 and member of the House of Representatives 1862-65.

Clement Laird Vallandigham, 1820-1871, was a politician and statesman from Ohio. He was devoted to the South, the home of his ancestors. He felt slavery was morally and politically evil, but advocated a policy of non-interference, much to the dismay of the North. He was considered the leader of the Copperheads, or the Peace Democrats, Northerns sympathetic to the South.

