Letter from HIRAM POWERS to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated March 12, 1862.

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My Dear Friend Marsh--

I now write a hasty note, to say, that a party of four--Mr A. B. Ibbotson of Sheffield (England)--our Eldest Daughter--my wife and I, will probably leave here for Turin on Monday next, for the purpose of having a marriage ceremony performed at the English Embassy -- In short our Daughter Louise, is engaged to be married to the above named Gentleman, and we must go to Turin or be subject to some inconveniences here, on account of there being no nearer -

We expect to be in Turin on Wednesday eve--or Thursday morning--and our stay must be short.

We hope, that you and Mrs Marsh will honour us with your attendance on the happy occasion, but shall not insist on Mrs Marsh being present, if inconvenient, for we know, that her delicate health might prevent --

You will be glad to hear--I am quite sure, that there is great satisfaction , with this arrangement. The young Gentleman is all that we could wish him to be -- He thinks the same of our Daughter and so she thinks of him --

The acquaintance grew out of my Patent business in England -- Mr Ibbotson came here

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some months ago in regard to commissions for the Rail Road and other orders, and soon became a constant visitor in my family. He is one of the Principal Partners of the Firm of "Ibbotson Brothers & co, Steel and File Makers--Globe Works--Sheffield" --

It would be wrong to close this note, without a word of congratulation, at the late cheering news from home --

The English and French writers--will hardly venture to call the United States a "" after the rebellion is over -- For such a display of national determination and power has never before been shown by any monarchical Government -- In 10 months only--an army of 600000 men, armed and equipped, has voluntarily taken the field in defence of a -- I could say much more, but this is enough. We need not now--fear the result --

With kindest regards to Dear Mrs Marsh and yourself, in which all join, I am ever Sincerely yours--


Florence March 12 1862.

P.S. I was wrong as to the time, we expect to arrive on Tuesday Evening, and the ceremony will take place on Thursday --

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