Letter from THOMAS WILLIAM SILLOWAY to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated September 12, 1857.

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Publication InformationBoston Sept. 12..1857.

Mr. Marsh My Dear Sir

Our picture will be ready for the inscription within a week. I ought to have talked the matter over when the commissioners met but neglected to do so. I have thought the matter over and think the following to be a proper inscription Please amend as you think best.

Thomas E. Powers Sup't. George P. Marsh Thomas W. Silloway Arch't. John Porter Building Norman Williams Commissioners The lettering would be done in accordance with the taste of the lithographer. The names of course would be in fine, and unpretending type. I shall send a copy of this to your address at Burlington & Woodstock so that I may hear from you immediately.

I am yours very trulyThomas W. Silloway

121 Court St.

Hon. G. P. Marsh.

