Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to CHARLES ELIOT NORTON, dated November 4, 1871.

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Publication InformationFlorenceNov 4 71

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Dear Mr Norton

I send you, by this post the Kirkup catalogue received from [Rocco?] for you. He writes he has a parcel from Stevens & an [...] of prints [...] model, for you, & asks where he is to send them.

Mrs. Marsh is writing to Mrs Norton in reply to her kind note, & I suppose will communicate all our family news. My Strasburg attack was not of an inflammatory, though of a very severe, character. I feel no remains of it, unless the transfer of a lameness of seven years in the left hip to the corresponding joint

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on the other side, is to be considered such. I think, however, that is an independent movement, for the affliction has given me notice of an intention to flit a month before we left Florence.

My father used to tell a story of a boy who thought he could bear his boil better, if it were on the other leg.

I find no special benefit from the change, especially as the lameness is greater on the right side than it was on the wrong.

With kindest regards to the ladies of your family as well as to yourself I am Very truly yoursGeo P MarshC E Norton Esq

References in this letter:

Catalogue of the . . . library of Baron Seymour Kirkup, of Florence, 1871. Kirkup (1788-1880), a British artist, was the leader of a literary circle in Florence.

