Letter from CHARLES ELIOT NORTON to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated October 24, 1870.

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Publication InformationVilla Spannocchi, Siena.Oct. 24, 1870.

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My dear Mr. Marsh

I see by the paper that Lord Acton is reported to be in Florence. I want to get a note to him, but I do not know his address. I venture, therefore, to enclose it to you, and ask you to have it sent to him,--and I trust you will excuse me for giving you this trouble.


The prospect for France seems to me to grow darker & darker. When the compress of war is removed there are likely to be such civil troubles as will make the foreign invasion seem but a slight evil.

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I wish I could hope that you might be able to send us favorable accounts of Miss Crane's condition.

I am glad to say that the invalid members of my household are doing well.

My Mother and Sisters and Mrs. Norton desire me to give their kindest regards to Mrs. Marsh & yourself, & I am, as always, with great respect,

Sincerely Yours

Lord Acton's address would doubtless be known at the Foreign Minister's office.--as he seems to be

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in Florence on a diplomatic errand;--or certainly by the British Minister.

References in this letter:

John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, Lord Acton (1834-1902), English historian and writer.

The decisive battle of the Franco-German war, which ended in defeat for the French, was that of Sedan in late August and early September 1870. Shortly thereafter the German forces began to move on Paris itself.

Caroline Crane Marsh had several nieces as companions at various times in Italy. The one here mentioned is called "Ellen" in a letter by George Perkins Marsh on May 24, 1871.

