Letter from CHARLES ELIOT NORTON to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated December 4, 1869.

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Publication InformationVilla d'ElciS. Gallo gate.Dec. 4, 1869.

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Dear Mr. Marsh

If young Mr. Astor would like to talk with me about his plans, I should be very glad to see him. I rarely go out before noon, and should be quite at his service any morning of next week.

I do not know whether you keep up your old taste for engravings, but if so, you may perhaps like to see rather a fine collection of Dürers & Rembrandts which has lately been sent me from Germany. I propose to return the greater part of them in a few days. I forgot to mention them to you yesterday. If you care to see them, & will send me word when you will come to look at them I will be a home. I have no engagements to take me away I am

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as always, with great respect,

Faithfully YoursC. E. Norton.

References in this letter:

This is presumably one of the sons of John Jacob Astor (1822-1890), who served on McClellan's staff in the Civil War.

