Letter from CHARLES ELIOT NORTON to CAROLINE CRANE MARSH, dated September 9, 1884.

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Publication InformationAshfield, 9 Sept. 1884.

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My dear Mrs. Marsh

I had the pleasure of receiving yesterday your note concerning Mr. Marsh's letters to me. I am very glad to hear that such a Memoir of him as you speak of is in preparation.

I carefully preserved Mr. Marsh's letters to me. They had more than a transient interest. They are all at

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Cambridge, and as soon as I return there, probably before the end of this month, I will get them together and send them to you. They will be absolutely at your disposal, to make such use of them in every respect as you may like. If your address changes you will be so kind, I am sure, as to let me know, in order that the parcel may reach you speedily

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and surely.

My thoughts often turn to Mr. Marsh with grateful and affectionate remembrance. My life, so long as it may last, will be the richer for the friendship with which he honored me.

You are kind enough to say that you will return to me my letters to him. Pray take no trouble to do so, for I set no value upon them.

I hope, dear Mrs Marsh,

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that your health is such that you are not a continual sufferer, and I beg you to believe me, with sincere respect,

Very truly Yours.

References in this letter:

The first volume of Caroline Crane Marsh's Life and Letters of George Perkins Marsh appeared in 1888; a planned second volume was never published.

