Letter from CHARLES ELIOT NORTON to CAROLINE CRANE MARSH, dated August 5, 1882.

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Publication InformationAshfield, MassachusettsAugust 5, 1882.

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My dear Mrs. Marsh

I feel for you deeply,--and I am thankful to know that you have the best,--the only--sources of support under a trial which must make all remaining life a burden, and under a sorrow which the mere passage of time can do nothing to alleviate.

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For you, too, a past is secure. Nothing can take from you that unspeakable blessing of memory of long happiness.

And I trust you will receive some pleasure from the multitutde of private and public expressions of the love and respect felt for Mr. Marsh.

I esteem it among the great privileges of my life

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to have known him, and to have been honored in a degree with his friendship. During late years, in which letters or other expression have been infrequent between us, there has been no lessening of my affection and respect. I have often wished that life brought more occasions for an intercourse which I specially prized. I feel the death of Mr. Marsh as a personal sorrow, & as a great loss to my own life.

It was not mere sympathy

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of taste, or agreement of opinion that drew me to Mr. Marsh, nor mere desire to learn from him. His intellectual powers great & remarkable as they were always seemed to me less remarkable than his moral qualities. His modesty, his simplicity, his generosity, his patience,--his entire manliness of soul won and held my deepest admiration & respect.

I hope that his last days were tranquil & free from severe suffering. I trust that you are not broken down, & that your health is not more imperfect

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[The following appears vertically on the page beginning "Ashfield, Massachusetts."]
than usual. Please do not take the trouble to acknowledge this note.

I am, with sincerest regard & respect,Faithfully Yours

