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Publication InformationNo. 738 Smithsonian Institution,Washington, D.C., May 10 1862

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My Dear Mr. Marsh

` I ought to be drawn and quartered for not answering your letter of Dec. 8' long ago, but after all I have some excuse. Poor Mary has had a hard time of it this winter. In the middle of November to the beginning of March she was in bed, flat on her back with a most painful and agonizing general Neuralgia. I then took her to Phila. for three weeks and soon after her return Mrs. Churchill was taken ill, and for a time we [...] of her recovery. She is now better but still very weak and confined to her bed. In all this I have most of the time been principal nurse, and have been unable to keep up with a tithe of my [...] avocations, as correspondent, etc. A dozen times after writing twenty to forty letters, I have come to yours, to tired to go at it, especially as it did not require some specific and

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prompt action, and as often I have put off till a more favorable season.

Much obliged for the reference to an agent in Genoa. If the new firm of [G] [B] is in Paris does not meet expectations, we will make a different arrangement for Italy. Is Genoa a center from which all parts may be reached.

Prof. Henry readily consents to send Smithsoniana to the University of Genoa

Matters at home are going much as usual, with the exception of Mrs. Churchills illness. We hope soon to have her will enough to go to Carlisle where we all expect to spend the summer. Last year we were at Elizabethtown, but shall hardly go this season. At the Smithsonian we are also jogging along getting matters arranged in the museum and library. We are also arranging and labeling our collection of fossils and minerals, of which latter your beautiful sulfurs from the chiefist

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ornament, and have two cases all to themselves on the lower floor, all the other minerals being in the gallery.

Any good or handsome minerals that you can buy or steal for us we will be glad to have, as our collection is very meager in European Specimens. We have not much to give in exchange of similar character, but can furnish books of more or less interest, specimens of fossils, we would also be glad to have

Anything the S. I. can do for real workers in Sardinia or elsewhere in Italy, we will be glad to do: can furnish specimens books, etc. anything except pay money.

With much love to Mrs Marsh in which Mary joins in

Ever yoursS. F. Baird

Hon. Geo. P. Marsh

References in this letter:

Publication Information A machine readable version of a letter from SPENCER FULLETON BAIRD to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated May 10, 1862, electronically published by The University of Vermont. It was electronically published with funding by The Woodstock Foundation, Woodstock, Vermont, as part of a project managed by Elizabeth H. Dow, with Ellen Mazur Thomson as the Project Archivist, and a generous donation of time and expertise by Ralph H. Orth, Professor Emeritus at the University of Vermont, as transcriber and consultant. Ralph H. Orth and Ellen Thomson transcribed the text and Ellen Thomson encoded it, using the Model Editions Partnership SGML tag set through a program developed for the project by James P. Tranowski. This document, file sfbgpm620510, is copyrighted by the University.
The original document, the from SPENCER FULLETON BAIRD to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, written in is located at the University of Vermont's Special Collections in the George Perkins Marsh Collection, filed by date. Access to the original document is restricted.

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