Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD, dated September 12, 1872.

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Publication InformationRome Sept. 12 72

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Dear Baird

I received the package of books & photographs sent last winter, today, and am much delighted with them. I enclose herewith a letter to Dr Hayden whose address (do not know & will thank you to forward it to him.

About a fortnight ago, I sent to your address a package of photographs of the Corregios at Parma for Lucy I ordered them -mounted, but by some mistake copies on cardboard were sent. We will send an assortment of Raphaels & others soon. In general, only photographs from engravings can be had but the engravings of the Parma Corregios are so accurate that the photog. from them are about as good as they could be if taken from the originals.
Mr Paul Liory, in whose behalf I made the inquiries about the use of the right hand of the indians, has just

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published a learned and laborious Essay Sulla Produzione dei Sessi, a question unto which, you know considerations of and enter. He wants me to enquire if anybody in the U.S. has looked further into this point of the functional relations of the two sides. Ibelieve I have seen a notice to the effect that somebody somewhere in the U.S. had said, written or done something on the subject. If so please give me title c. I have been very slow in recovering from my last spring's illness. Typhoids are hard to get over. My eyes have been better, but I have overworked them, and they are behaving very just now.

Mr Edmunds report that you all had a jolly time down East. I suppose all the phosphorous you swallowed in your ichthyophagous diet will make your brainstorming active next winter.

Come over, by and by, and see Dohrn's concern at Naples. We

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Italians expect much from it. I believe he is getting on well, but I think he is not in full blast yet. Don't list much Greeley. I have forgiven one man for voting for Buchanann, but shan't extend that charity to anybody that votes for Horace. My poor wife, whose sorrow & fatigues have borne hard upon her, joins me in love to you all

Yours trulyG P Marsh

Prof S F Baird

References in this letter:

The geologist Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden (1829-1887) was head of the U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories from 1867 to 1879.

The Italian Renaissance painter Antonio Allegri (c.1494-1534) was known as Correggio, after his birthplace.

Raphael Santi (1483-1520) was one of the great painters of the Italian Renaissance.

Paolo Lioy (1836-1911) was an Italian naturalist and man of letters.

George Franklin Edmunds (1828-1919) began his career practicing law in Burlington. He served in the Vermont State House of Representatives and in the State Senate. In 1866 he was elected to the United States Senate as a Republican to fill the vacancy caused by Solomon Foot's death and served for four terms. He resigned in 1891. Edmunds was married to Susan Edmunds, the daughter of Marsh's sister and Wyllys Lyman, his Burlington friend.

The zoologist Felix Anton Dohrn (1840-1909) founded a zoological station in Naples in 1874. It was the first laboratory established for marine studies and devoted solely to research.

Horace Greeley (1811-1872), founder and editor of the New York Tribune, was opposed to the severe Reconstruction measures of the Radical Republicans.

