Letter from R. SHERBURNE to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated October 22, 1858.

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State of Vermont.Montpelier,Oct 22 1858

Hon Geo.P. MarshR. Road Commissioner, Sir,

In the Report of the Trustees Vermont Central Road for the year ending June 30. 1858, I find an error in the amount of Wood and Oil used. The Report has the amount of Wood as 15.490 Cords, it should be 30.207 Cords, and the Oil is reported as 5.791 Gallons it should be 13.188 Gallons.

The Clerk in copying put in the amount for instead of twelve months and the error was not discoved till your report was received.

Yours Truly R. Sherburne Supt for Trustees V. C. R Rd

References in this letter:

In November 1857 Marsh was appointed Vermont Railroad Commissioner, a post he held until 1859. An informed critic of railroad corporate abuses, he wrote three devastating reports, incurring the wrath of the railroad lobby. Using its influence in the Vermont legislature, the lobby sought to block his reappointment.

