Letter from AUSTIN JACOBS COOLIDGE to GEORGE P. MARSH, dated April 28, 1858.

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39 Court St BostonAp. 28"/58

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Dear Sir,

I send the remainder of the article. It makes more than we had supposed, and has been delayed longer than we intended.

You will see one or two blanks in reference to the of Vermont. We could not get at any documents here which would help us out with them. What the Convention of Jany. 1857, did, we have never learned --

You may think we have said too much about the schools of Vt. but if anything is important to be said about any state, it is the manner in which it disposes of the great cause which relates to the destinies of coming generations --

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Please excuse the haste of this, and be frank to suggest any changes, additions or omissions, & return to us as soon as shall meet your convenience, by express, at our expense, of course, and you will confer a very great favor upon

Yours very respA. J. Coolidge

P.S. We have a brief conclusion to add when the article may be returned, which we need not trouble you with.

